Mamibeka's Grill is home of authentic Filipino cuisines, serving grilled meats among other favorite dishes. Located at 38 Mayaman Street UP Village, Quezon City, it is open Mon-Thurs from 12nn to 10pm and on Fridays and Saturdays, until 11pm. You can visit their Facebook Page at and Instagram account at @mamibekasgrill. But better if you can visit their place at UP Village and have a taste of some comfort food.
With office friends having lunch |
Showing interiors of the restaurant |
The place can accommodate around 20 diners at a time inside, with a couple more tables outside. It is air-conditioned inside and quite cramped, but it's okay if you're having a nice time with friends as you get to be physically closer with each other.
This restaurant is a startup business of four female college students from UST. Mamibeka stands for each of their initial syllable.
We kept coming back there |